
Universal Misunderstandings Pgs 1-33

Deviation Actions

LukeBatt's avatar

Literature Text

Universal Misunderstandings
A Fan-Made Multi Publisher Mash-up by Luke Batt

DB = Dialogue Box
HM = Heart Rate/ Blood Pressure Monitor

Heart Rate (HR)/ Blood Pressure (BP) Monitor Levels
Normal = Green HR 60-100 BP <120/<80
Stressed = Yellow HR 101-160 BP 121-140/81-90
Angry = Red HR 161-200 BP 141-160/91-100
Super Angry = Crazy Red HR 201-300 BP 161-200/101-150
HULK PISSED = Super Crazy Red HR 301+ BP 201+/151+

Starts hulking out at high Stress Levels; can still gain control at high stress levels if being talked down. Fully Hulks out at low Angry levels. Lower IQ and Increased size/power with each anger level.

Page 1

Panel 1

Establishing shot

Barren alien desert landscape, lost of red dust and mountains. 3 moons in the sky. Centre of the image is a small western style, one road town. In the middle of the road is a person laying down; this is Bruce Banner. Town folk are beginning to surround him, there are also a few hiding behind doors and looking through windows.

HM Normal

Panel 2

Close up shot of Banners eyes, wearing glasses, he is asleep/ unconscious, dust/ red glow from the sky/dust is reflecting.

HM Normal

Panel 3

Close up shot of banners eyes, same as panel 2, but now he is awake, kinda groggy looking, eyes out of focus

HM Normal

Panel 4

Same as Panel 3, but alert and looking at the gathering crowd

DB Banner

What, Where....

Whisper DB Banner


HM Normal to Stressed

Panel 5

Same as Panel 4, but Banner is beginning to Hulk out, skin going green, veins showing in eyes, pupils going green, glasses sliding off

Normal to Angry DB Banner/Hulk


HM Stressed to Angry

Page 2

Panel 1

Hulk busting out of Banners clothes in the middle of the street, purple pants now showing. People are running in the streets, buildings shaking. We can now see the people, and they are actually an assortment of alien species. This is NOT Earth (duh, 3 moons)

Next to the raging Hulk is the 'Hulk Origin Logo'

Normal to Shaky Angry Text DB Hulk

Leave Hulk ALONE!

Origin Logo Text

After surviving ground zero of the test detonation for the Gamma bomb he invented, renowned physicist, Dr. Bruce Banner, now lives in constant fear and seclusion; for if he loses control of his temper, he turns into the raging and misunderstood monster that is The HULK.

HM Angry

Panels 2-4

Random alien species grabbing sci-fi type weapons (guns and grenades) from gun racks and boxes

HM Angry

Panel 5

Shot from glass height behind a bar in a saloon looking out the door onto the street where Hulk is getting angry as aliens with guns/weapons surround him

HM Angry

Panel 6

Same shot as Panel 5, but now a beer has been slammed down; liquid sloshing, by a thick, hairy hand, part of a brown leather jacket is showing with half an X-Men 'X' showing

DB Logan


You'd think Banner'd be used ta waking up in strange places surrounded by odd looking folks by now...

HM Angry

Page 3

Panel 1

Shot inside the Saloon, further down the bar, still looking outside, but now shows Logan (Wolverine) in a Brown Leather jacket, blue jeans, wide brimmed hat being put on by one hand, the other waving apologetically to a confused alien barman. Hulk is still angry, turned around from previous panel, more people lined up to fire at him. The 'Wolverine Origin Logo' is shown next to Logan

DB Logan

No offense

DB Barman

*A few words in alien gibberish, saying something like 'I got no beef with you' but complete nonsense*

Origin Logo Text

Born James Howlett of Alberta, Canada in the late 1800s, The X-man, more commonly known as Logan, has suffered countless personal tragedies and survived a multitude of wars all thanks to his mutant healing powers; that allow him to age slowly and recover from even the most severe of wounds, heightened senses and adamantium laced skeleton; including three bone claws on each hand. He helps those he can as he is the Best at what he does, but what Wolverine does, isn't pretty.

HM Angry

Panel 2

Shot looking at Hulk from inside the bar, Logan's shoulder aimed outside as he is about to go out that way, stretching his arms, getting ready for a fight

DB Logan

Guess this is why I woke up here

HM Angry

Panel 3

Same shot as Panel 2, but now a red cape is floating outside, covering most of the Hulk, can only see the bottom of the third to half of the cape itself

DB Logan

Never get to finish a good brew these da...


DB Superman

Stand Down Sir

I may be new to town, but I'm sure you're causing these fine folks all sorts of worries

HM Angry

Page 4

Panel 1

Shot from over the Hulks shoulders aimed towards the sky, he is shaking with rage, some of the aliens in the background are starting to lower their weapons. Superman (in his New-52 DCU Outfit) is floating with a hand up in a loose stop sign, the other hand on his hip, head slightly cocked to the same side of the panel he is drawn on, sun is behind him shining over his shoulders making an almost silhouette out of the image. The 'Superman Origin Logo' is next to him.

DB Superman

I'm not entirely clear on what has you so riled up Sir, but this is your last warning

Please calm down

Angry DB Hulk


Origin Title Text
Kal-L is the last son of an annihilated alien civilization. Rocketed to Earth as a baby from his destroyed home planet, Krypton; Learning Truth and Justice from his adopted parents on the Kent Family Farm in Smallville, Kansas, U.S.A. The mild mannered Daily Planet reporter; Clark Kent, stands up for the weak and oppressed everywhere in a never-ending battle, as Superman

HM Angry

Panel 2
Shot of a raged out seething Hulk's face, spittle coming out of his mouth as he breaths and makes noises

Angry DB Hulk


HM Angry to almost Super Angry

Panel 3

Close up shot of Superman's head and shoulders, stern look on his face

DB Superman

Or I'll calm you down

HM almost Super Angry


Page 5

Panel 1

Shot of the Hulk, fists clenched, spittle coming from his mouth. Superman is floating above, looking down, hands on hips, head cocked in opposite direction from the last shot of him. Saloon in the background, Logan is leaning on a post, lighting a cigar, head down (wearing his hat), people have stepped back and most have lowered their guns, Tumble weed is just about to bounce past the front of the Saloon

Angry DB Hulk

Leave Hulk ALONE! (The Font and art lines are shaking the the epicenter that is 'Alone!')
HM Super Angry

Panel 2

Same shot as panel 1, but now Superman is punching Hulk in the guts, Hulks arm have barely moved other than over with his torso. Superman's left foot is planted forward, left fist cocked back, cape flowing on the ground behind him. In the background Logan is throwing a match (it's in mid-flight) and half looking away (he has barely notices Superman move), the tumbleweed has barely moved

DB Hulk


HM Super Angry but really drawn out, only 1 or 2 heart beats, Superman is in Superspeed mode for the next few panels

Panel 3

Same shot as Panel 2, but Superman has moved into an uppercut, Hulk's head is cocked back and he is standing upright with a slight lean back, but not that far, shoulders are angled back too. In the background Logan, the match and the tumbleweed have barely if even moved. Superman is floating a little in order to land the impactful punch on Hulks jaw, Hulks right foot has moved back a few inches to support him

DB Hulk


HM Super Angry but really drawn out, only 1 or 2 heart beats


Page 6

Panel's 1-3

Superman, floating (not necessarily shown but Hulk is about 2.5-3 m tall vs Supermans 2 m, all vs Logans 1.6ish m), Hulk and Superman are now the same head height, and Supes is punching Hulk in the Chest, Right, Left, Right.

DB Hulk




HM Super Angry but really drawn out, only 1 or 2 heart beats

Panel's 4-6

Show Hulks feet (and supes cape), Hulks feet are sliding backwards, Logan/ Match and Tumbleweed barely moved

HM Super Angry but really drawn out, only 1 or 2 heart beats

Panel 7

Superman has grabbed Hulks shoulders and kneed him in the guts

DB Hulk


HM Super Angry but really drawn out, only 1 or 2 heart beats

Panel 8

Superman has pushed Hulk's body back up and has done a right hook to Hulk's head, Hulks mouth is open and floppy, spittle and blood flying from it

DB Hulk


HM Super Angry but really drawn out, only 1 or 2 heart beats

Panel 9

Same kind of shot as panel 8 but a left hook to Hulk's head

DB Hulk


HM Super Angry but really drawn out, only 1 or 2 heart beats


Page 7

Panel 1

Hulk has caught Superman's swing, can see half of the Hulk's face, hand is in front 'crushing' Superman's hand

DB Hulk

Puny flying Man make Hulk...

HM Angry almost to Super Angry

Panel 2

Low shot angled towards the sky, see the back of Hulk as he is finishing a punch on Superman, Supes is flying off into the distance



Angry DB Hulk


HM Super Angry

Panel 3

Orbital Space shot, see a blue/red streak flying straight away from the planet
Remember, it's an Alien planet with 3 moons.
Op the opposite side of the planet have a small 'Fear Agent' portal opening up with Heath's ship flying out


Page 8

Panel 1

Hulk screaming with an angry face, his body has spun to face the locals that have picked up their guns again

Angry DB Hulk


HM Super Angry

Panel 2

Logan sucking/ puffing on the cigar, hat raised just above his eyes, head slightly cocked, Saloon in background

DB Logan

Guess the Boy Scout couldn't hack it...

HM Super Angry

Panel 3

Logan walking towards the Hulk, Hulk has turned towards Logan, Logan has flicked the cigar to the ground (it's in mid-air)

HM Super Angry

Panel 4

The cigar has bounced, only show the cigar bouncing and ash falling off



HM Super Angry


Page 9

Panel 1

Logan hunched forward running towards us, hat flying off, claws popped, angry face

Angry DB Logan


HM Super Angry

Panel 2

A commanding type alien screaming while looking over the other misc aliens with weapons, his gun is raised high

Angry DB *Alien Gibberish*!!! (Screaming 'fire')

HM Super Angry

Panel 3

Logan's back is facing us, he is leaping at the Hulk, legs kinda spread, one a little higher than the other, arms same but opposite side in higher, his jump isn't as high as the Hulk is tall, can see the Hulks face above Logan's head. Laser fire is flying all over the place, some hitting the Hulk.

HM Super Angry


Page 10

Panel 1

Side view of the two rivals, Logan now standing on Hulks chest with his claws dug in

HM Super Angry

Panel 2

Hulk's face in pain and anger

Angry DB Hulk


HM Super Angry

Panel 3

Hulk swings at Logan, but has missed, Logan has dropped to the ground and sliced at the  Hulks ankles. Lasers taking chunks out of Hulk AND Logan now

HM Super Angry

Panel 4

Now Logan is on Hulk's back and taking slice after slice at him, lots of claw marks, he has attacked a few times quite quickly. Hulk stumbling around grabbing for Logan

HM Super Angry


Page 11

Panel 1

Hulk has stumbled towards the aliens firing at him/ then Logan still hacking, Hulks arms have swung to opposite side to last panel. Aliens jumping out of the way. There are boxes for cover nearby

Angry DB Hulk


Angry DB Logan


DB Aliens

*Alien Gibberish* (Ahh!)

HM Super Angry

Panel 2

Aliens opening box to display grenades, hand grabbing for one, Hulk and Logan fighting in the background in the lids reflection

HM Super Angry

Panel 3

Alien with cocked back arm about to throw grenade

SFX Bleep. . . Bleep. . . Bleep. . .

HM Super Angry

Panel 4

Grenade lands at Hulks feet, both Hulk and Logan see it, they are surrounded by aliens, annoyed looks on their faces (Hulk/ Logan), Logan has a hand out, blood/ gore hanging from his claws, Aliens are scared/ shocked/ stunned (most of them)

Shocked DB Logan


SFX Bleep. . Bleep. . Bleep. . Bleep. . Bleep. . Bleep. .

HM Super Angry down to Angry

Panel 5

Hulk and Logan share a look (they're going to protect the aliens as best they can)

SFX Bleep. Bleep. Bleep. Bleep. Bleep. Bleep. Bleep. Bleep. Bleep. Bleep.

HM Angry


Page 12

Panel 1

Hulk covers a bunch of aliens, arms surrounding them, he is right next to the grenade and Logan has dived off Hulk into a few aliens knocking them all over some boxes for cover, gore flying behind him. A few aliens managed to Run far enough away

DB Logan


SFX BleepBleepBleepBleepBleepBleepBleepBleepBleepBleepBleepBleepBleepBleepBleep

HM Angry

Panel 2

EXPLOSION !!!!!!!!

Shot from top of building, all the cover is being blown away/ up, and the front of the Saloon has been destroyed. A silhouette of Hulk and Logan covering the aliens, chunks of skin being blasted away and the explosion is A LOT bigger than they expected..... it's ALIEN


HM Angry


Page 13

Panel 1

Hulk's eyes are closed, fire/ explosion is happening

HM Angry

Panel 2

Hulk's eyes are open, smoke, looking for aliens

HM Angry

Panel 3

Hulk eyes open, he can see the aliens, he is sad (they're all ash and/or burnt corpses)

HM Angry

Panel 4

Hulk Angry eyes

HM Angry to Super Angry

Panel 5

Hulk has spun to the person who threw the grenade and is screaming. At the Hulk's feet are the burnt corpses/ husks. The alien that threw it has fallen and is trying to move back, on the side you can see a burnt metal skeleton showing Logan, lying on-top of a pile of corpses, the cover is mostly destroyed, debris everywhere

Angry DB Hulk


HM Super Angry

Panel 6

Hulk does a ground slam at the alien, ripping the ground apart, dust/ debris flying up

Angry DB Hulk


HM Super Angry


Page 14

Panel 1
Hul has spun to LoGan, who is still lying down, a little more regenerated

HM Super Angry

Panel 2

Hulk yelling (looking at logan)

Angry DB Hulk


Normal DB Hulk

Hffff (breathing noise)

HM Super Angry to Angry

Panel 3

Hulk leaps off into the distance. The regenerating Logan is in the shot.


Panel 4

Logan comes up to his hands and knees, Hulk is really small, further off in the distance. Logan gripping his side, holding partially charred entrails in on the left side of his body with his right arm.

Wounded DB Logan


HM Angry

Page 15

Panel 1

Logan stumbling around, one hand gripping side while side heals, other hand holding him up, he is F.U.C.K.E.D. U.P. Skeleton showing, leg dragging (no muscles in thigh)

Normal DB Logan

Always itchy…

Ugh… Where is it…

HM Angry

Panel 2

Relieved look on Logan's mangled face

HM Angry

Panel 3

Logan's messed up hand reaching for a cigar

Normal DB Logan


HM Angry

Panel 4

Logan sitting down on a crate, surrounded by broken/charred bodies, lighting the cigar

SFX Chick Chick (sound of a lighter being struck)

HM Angry


Page 16

Panel 1

Logan puffing on the cigar, more healed than last panel

HM Angry

Panel 2

Logans face relaxed blowing smoke, wincing a little as the fibres in his face heal

HM Angry

Panel 3

Logan looking to top left of the panel (same image as Panel 2 but more healing has happened), he has a slightly annoyed look on his face

SFX Whatever sound Angstrom Levies portals makes (look it up Luke!)

Normal DB Logan

What now…

HM Angry

Panel 4

See Logan look to the sky, angle shot from lower than Logan aimed diagonally up towards sky with building in background on the side, sky in the middle of the background, can see a Green 'Portal' has opened, on the opposite side you see Invinciblie's hand (one of them) and a silhouette in the portal of the rest of the arm up to his elbow and his other arm, They are outstretched as if trying to grab someone.

Angry DB Invincible


HM Angry


Page 17

Panel 1
(2/3 Page)

Invincible floating, has come to a sudden halt, Portal smaller, show the Invincible 'Origin Title Logo' (up to Vol. 7). Angled down shot from about Invincible, can see Logan below.

DB Invincible

Damn it!

Invincible Origin Title Logo Text

Half-Human, Half-Viltrumite, he is the son of one of the worlds most powerful Superheroes; Omni-Man. Possessing super strength, speed, the power of flight, slow aging and absolutely no special hearing or sight, Mark Grayson is INVINCIBLE.

HM Angry (low)

Panel 2

Invincible's face, shocked

Normal DB Invincible


HM Angry (low)

Panel 3

Portal closed

Normal DB Invincible


HM Angry (low)

Panel 4

Invincible looking down, shocked look on his face

Shocked DB Invincible


HM Angry (low)


Page 18

Panel 1

Shot of Logan looking up, holding his hat to block the sun, squinting in annoyance/ pain/ curiosity, still sitting on the crate. Ground littered with bodies.

Normal DB Logan

Really not in the mood for…

HM Angry (low)

Panel 2

Same shot as Panel 1, only now there is a motion blur, paper/ dust/ debris and remaining clothing on bodies has moved as Invincible has swooped down and picked up Logan, neither are in the panel as he has done it so quickly.

SFX Wooooosh

HM Angry (low)

Panel 3

Shot looking down towards the ground, they are REALLY high up, Invincible holding Logan from under his arm pits, make it look kind of disorientating if possible

Normal DB Logan


Angry DB Invincible

What have you DONE!

DB Logan

Anyone ever told you, you rush to conclusions bub…

…. And holding a guy like this is really uncomfortable

HM Angry (low)

Panel 4

Shot of a stone cold Invincible face

HM Angry (low)

Panel 5

Shot of a pissed off Logan face, shoulders near his ears because of how he is being held

Normal DB Logan

Now put me down, before I FORCE us down

HM Angry (low)


Page 19

Panel 1

Annoyed/ confused/ angry look on Invincible's face

Normal DB Invincible

From this height you'd just kill yourself

Normal DB Logan


HM Angry (low)

Panel 2

Pissed off look on Logan's face, almost fully healed now

Normal DB Invincible

Besides I doubt there's anything you could do to hurt me

Normal DB Logan


HM Angry (low)

Panel 3

Smug look on Invincible's face

Normal DB Invincible

I'm guess you don't know, but I'm…

Normal DB Logan


HM Angry (low)

Panel 4

Logan has a look of pain on his face as he has tried to stab Invincible with his claws (all six of them), but they have only caused a scratch and now they are protruding through the back of Logan's forearms as they have been pushed back into Logan incorrectly. A surprised look on Invincible's face. Looking side on, we can see the height thanks to the background scenery, slightly angled down from above Logan, his head is tilted back to show his face, has tried to stab invincible at rib height

Normal DB Invincible

… Invincible

Angry DB Logan



HM Angry (low)


Page 20

Panel 1

Invincible, confused/ shocked, Logan's arms are dangling, blood is pouring from the wounds, claws slowly sliding out and back into place as they heal

Normal DB Invincible

Geez man, what're you doing! That almost hurt! Are you trying to fall to your death?

Wounded DB Logan

*Pant* I'm *Pant* Tougher than I look *Pant*

HM Normal

Panel 2

Logan has brought his feet up to Invincible's chest

Normal DB Invincible


HM Normal

Panel 3

Long draw distance, Logan has jumped out of Invincible's grasp and is falling backwards to the ground, blood still falling to the ground. Invincible is covered in blood as well.

Wounded DB Logan


HM Normal

Panel 4

Same shot as Panel 3, but a streak of blue and red has shot across the panel on a diagonal arc and taken Logan with it, Invincible is still floating in the same place.

SFX Fssshhhhh

HM Normal

Panel 5

Logan being placed down by a hunched over Superman, Logan's arms look mostly healed now, just severe bruising and a bit of raw/ still healing skin here and there. Superman is looking skywards.

Normal DB Superman

If you can hold out, I'll be back soon

Normal DB Logan


HM Normal


Page 21

Panel 1

Long draw distance, can see Logan on the ground and a shot of red and blue streaking into the sky towards Invincible. Blood still falling and at the top of the streak is the torso of Superman with one arm thrust forward and the other in a cocked position by his side.

HM Normal

Panel 2

Superman uppercutting Invincible, pieces of Invincibles glasses go flying into the air, his mouth spraying saliva and blood



Normal DB Invincible


HM Normal

Panel 3

Superman's torso looking at us, finger pointing, angry look on his face, think Uncle Sam wants YOU but with Superman.

Angry DB Superman

So you defeated the the green hulking monster, destroyed the town and were about to send that poor man fall to his death. I don't know what game you are playing sir, but it ends now.

HM Normal


Page 22

Panel 1
Shocked looked on a close up of Invincible's face

Normal DB Invincible


HM Normal

Panel 2

Side view of Superman attacking Invincible, right arm extended, left arm cocked, looks like he has pushed forward from a running stance, cape flying back, Invincible has dodged the blow and is flying backwards



HM Normal

Panel 3

Shot from below Logan looking up, we can see Logan has mostly healed and has found his cigar and has light it, above him in the sky is a blur of red and blue swirling with blue and yellow

HM Normal


Page 23

Panel 1

Invincible has thrown an Uppercut squarely into Supermans abdomen.

Normal DB Superman


HM Normal

Panel 2

Invincible has now done a downward punch into S's neck

Normal DB Invincible


HM Normal


Page 24

Panel 1

Long distance view, a red and blue streak straight into the ground with a puff of dust, Invincible in the position of only just having hit S.

HM Normal

Panel 2

Invincible's silhouette above Superman trying to crawl out of the crater

Normal DB Invincible

I don't know who or where we are, but I don't know who you are talking about and I don't want to fight you!

HM Normal

Panel 3

A crouched Logan, claws popped, smoke flying around, covering the necessary parts

Normal DB Logan

Sucks to be you then Bub

HM Normal

Panel 4

Logan has begun slashing at Invincible, by this shot he has already landed several blows ripping Invincibles uniform in several places and leaving paper cut claw marks on his skin

Angry DB Logan



Shink! ShinkShinkShink! Shink!

HM Normal


Page 25

Panel 1

Superman has flown in between the two fighting men, a hand on each mans chest

Normal DB Superman


HM Normal
Panel 2

Logan and Invincible have backed up, all 3 are looking like they are ready to do battle once more

Normal DB Logan

Hmmm, Where about are you jokers from? I don't recognize the getups

HM Normal

Panel 3

Close up of Superman's face, calm now, looking left

Normal DB Superman

I'm Superman, from Metropolis. I WAS doing battle with one of my enemies Mister Mxyzptlk, when suddenly there was a flash of light and I was floating above your planet and town here

HM Normal

Panel 4

Close up of Invincible's face, calmer now, one broken eye lense and claw marks on his face, looking right

Normal DB Invincible

Umm, Earth, but this doesn't look like home, I figure I'm stuck here until Angstrom Levy pulls me back and sends me to another dimension, he's trying to wear me down... it's not working, and neither of you are going to do much about that... What about you Short Round n' Spikey

HM Normal


Page 26

Panel 1

Closeup of Logan's face, cigar in between 2 finger's with smoke coming out of his mouth as he speaks

Normal DB

Bub, you don't wanna know much about me, but I'm a mutant, an X-man from up-state New York and that guy the boy scout here was duking it out with when he turned up was the Hulk; Bruce Banner, ugly mess of a problem when he gets pissed, who knows where he's gone now, but I can smell him from here, he's not that far away, we'd better go get him and work out what's happening around here before the locals start getting annoyed we trashed their town

HM Normal

Panel 2

Logan pulling on some new pants he has picked up from the rubble, Superman standing with his arms crossed and Invincible straightening his gloves

Normal DB Superman

Well, I can see him from here, he seems to have calmed down quite a bit... wait... do you hear that?

HM Normal

Panel 3

Long distance shot from atop a rocky mountain range, town in the distance, above the sky a classic style rocket flys past
Normal DB Invincible

I don't have super hearing

Normal DB Logan

Neither, what is it Supes?

HM Normal


Page 27

Panel 1

Superman looking up, Logan doing up his old belt, cigar in mouth, hat on head

Normal DB Superman

More guests I'm guessing

HM Normal

Panel 2

Most of the page, the rocket lands on the mountain range overlooking the town


Rumble, ground shaking

HM Normal

Panel 3

Door open and the ladder extended

HM Normal


Page 28

Panel 1

Superman looking towards the mountain range, Invincible prepared to fight and Logan scratching his hairy chest while puffing away on the cigar

Normal DB Superman

I think I'll go say hello to the new arrival, stay here, I'll be right back

HM Normal

Panel 2

Shot of the bottom of the ship and the ground with a pair of the Fear Agent's boots in the shot surrounded in a cloud of dust, in the background you can see the red and blue streak leading to Superman flying towards us.

 HM Normal


Page 29

Panel 1

The landed rocket ship, the rocky cliff and Heath Hudson standing looking prepared for anything, gun drawn, suit on, in the door frame is a computer monitor with Annie on screen

Normal DB Heath

Annie, any idea where we are now?

Fear Agent Origin Title Logo Text

Supposedly the last FEAR AGENT, Heath Hudson is a rugged, alcoholic Texan spaceman on the run from the powers that laid waste to his Home, his Family and his Planet. He works as an exterminator, taking care of the things that go bump in the night so you... or the aliens that hire him, don't have too.

 HM Normal

Panel 2

Close up on Heath's head, the gun is sticking up in shot

Normal DB Superman

Welcome, I do hope you have come in peace, is this a place you call home or are you stranded here as well?

Normal DB Heath


 HM Normal


Page 30

Panel 1

Heath looking up at a floating Superman, confused look on his face, gun hap-hazardly pointing in S's direction

Normal DB

Yeaaaahhh, I don't think so... Annie, fire up the engines, we need to be outta here 10 minutes ago

 HM Normal

Panel 2

Heath scampering up the ladder, Superman just floating



 HM Normal

Panel 3

Superman floating in the same spot, cape and hair flapping in the blast, but the shot is from a downward angle further back and up and the rocket blasts off



 HM Normal


Page 31

Panel 1

Heath's rocket is flying up towards space, it's path leaves a trail through the clouds below

Normal DB Heath

Annie, get us the hell outta here! I did not get paid today to go up against flying spacemen from unknown planets

Normal DB Annie

Baby, the least you could have done was ask where we were, now you're just going to get drunk and leave me with the mess to clean up

Normal DB Heath

That's why I love ya you beautiful AI

 HM Normal

Panel 2

Same shot, but now Heath's rocket is flying high above the planet, and is dodging a new purple, domed half destroyed and on fire spacecraft that has appeared out of nowhere, yellowy-green dusty debris is falling off is as it hurtles toward the ground

Normal DB Heath

What is the blue blazes!

Normal DB Annie

It appears to be another ship, it seems to have appeared out of some form or hyper-dimensional portal, attempting to hail now

 HM Normal


Page 32

Panel 1

Back on the planet, atop the mountain range opposite the one Superman is still floating above and where Heath's rocket just left. A Golden Shimmering figure appears with two golden circles above and below him

Normal DB Master Chief

Cortana, where are we?

Normal DB Cortana

I don't know Chief, but I suggest you get ready, we were followed, and I'm picking up life signs below

HM Normal

Panel 2

Full shot of Master Chief, gun in hand, back to the town atop the mountain range, looking up and overhead the Covenant ship is crash landing while spewing wreckage and flood spores in a debris trail as it heads towards the planet

Normal DB Master Chief

Friend or Foe?

Normal DB Cortana

Unknown, attempting to interface with local frequencies and satellite uplinks. I suggest recon and Minimal contact until we know more.

Halo Origin Title Logo Text

John 117 is the Master Chief. Believed to be the sole survivor of the UNSC's Spartan 2 project from the Planet Reach. Stolen by Dr Catherine Halsey as a 5 year old child and trained to be a soldier more capable than an entire army, he is on a mission to infiltrate and capture a Covenant ship vital to saving Earth from a galaxy spanning threat and stop multi-year war. Aided by the Smart AI clone of Dr Halsey herself, the AI named Cortana is the Master Chief's on-board intelligence gathering partner, together they must complete their mission no matter the costs, having been trapped the last 3 months on the ring-world called Halo fighting all manner of enemies, they have found themselves teleported here by what appears to be mistake.

HM Normal


Page 33
Panel 1

Shot from behind the Hulk, who is sitting, hurtling towards him from in front and above is the Covenant ship

HM Normal

Panel 2

Long distance shot. The Ship has an explosive landing atop the Hulk

For anyone reading, this is a fun little side project I’m working on when warming up for my other stories. I’ll be releasing it as a free webcomic once it is fully drawn/coloured and lettered.

Enjoy. Feel free to let me know what you think, good and bad :)

It's the script for the first 33 pages of a web comic I'd love to find the time to draw, if anyone wishes to take a crack at any of the Panel's/Pages, feel free.

The bottom of every panel and splash page has Bruce Banner’s heart rate/ blood pressure monitored to show his levels of stress

All rights are reserved to the creator of each character, this is merely a piece of Fan Fiction fun.
© 2012 - 2024 LukeBatt
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